Train the Trainer: A success in Nigeria

Within our Nigeria project, the train-the-trainer component is a central pillar in the implementation of the National Police Reform.

Together with the UNDP representative and trainer Professor Adewale Ajadi, our Senior Experts Paddy Franck, and Sigi Leyrer, set up training programs that consist of police practice and methodological/didactic components. This way, police officers on the ground learn how to do police work that is close to the citizens and based on trust and acceptance.
A wide variety of areas from everyday police work are addressed. These include questions such as “How do I answer a phone call? “What should I include in a police report? “What do the golden 7 W’s stand for?” and “How does good traffic control work?” In addition, the police trainers are trained in the fields of gender, human rights and the new Nigerian Police Law (Police Act 2020).

In addition to the training course for the police officers, our Senior Experts have also conducted tailor-made programs for the commanders. They are characterised by a rank of at least Deputy Commissioner of Police or are in leadership positions in the Nigerian police schools and colleges. Our experts and the Commissioners.  worked together on how to improve the learning experience for the students.

With the completion of our last two courses in March/April 2023, more than 500 police officers have now been given training. More trainings are already being planned for the upcoming project cycle.


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