Together with Sascha Langenbach (Head of PR at the Berlin State Office for Refugee Affairs), Dr. Fabian Bein (Media Officer at the Berlin State Office for Refugee Affairs) and Anne von Knoblauch (LGTBQ Officer at the Berlin Police), we organised a three-day training course at the Moldovan National Police.
The focus was on topics relating to social media, camera training and an introduction to LGBTQ.
With this counselling, we want to raise awareness of issues relating to women and gender in general and ensure greater acceptance. We are confident that the participants have learnt a lot and are now integrating this step by step into their work.
In his closing speech, Viorel Cernauteanu emphasised the importance of the training and thanked the experts as well as the GS Foundation. We can only agree with this and would like to take this opportunity to thank Sascha Langenbach, Fabian Bein and Anne von Knoblauch for their commitment!